Sunday, August 23, 2015

Back to School

The countdown is on, as we enter our final weeks of summer vacation. It was such a long break this year and I hope you were able to get a good jump start on your MCBA reading.

I have read 17 nominees so far and have some early favorites.
Kizzy Ann Stamps! I had no expectations for this book, had never heard of it, and the cover didn't excite me at all. And in the best way, this book grabbed me from the beginning. I loved it! If you liked last year's Lions of Little Rock, you will enjoy this one. Kizzy is a brave girl with a strong voice, and her story is told in letters to her new teacher at an integrated school. Her dog is important, too!

I also enjoyed Hiding Out at the Pancake Palace. When Elvis Ruby, the most famous celebrity in the world and winner of TweenStar freezes onstage, his father thinks he needs a break from all the paparazzi. So he send him off to a small town in New Jersey, to work at his aunt's pancake restaurant. He changes his name and appearance, and is finally able to relax...until he meets Cecilia. Cecilia recognizes him and has a very big secret to keep. Keeping a secret is not easy.
A fun read, and it moves quickly, told in alternating chapters by Elvis and Cecilia.

I am anxious to hear which books you have loved and which you didn't! (The School for Good and Evil was not my favorite...more on that later.)
I'm really looking froward to connecting with my readers in a few weeks!

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