Thursday, December 6, 2012

Meet the nominees

Thank you to librarian Laurie Wodin for sharing her slideshow!

Kick Off

Today, the entire 4th and 5th grade visited the library to kick off the MCBA program. Students learned the history of the program, how they can participate and some of the fun we have planned. They were then introduced to the nominees. *To be eligible to vote, students must have ready 5 nominees by March 1st, 2013 *Students may read the books themselves, with their parent, as a class, or listen to the audio. *Students who read 5 will be eligible to be on a Battle of the Books team in February. *We will have book discussion groups to talk about what we are reading. *We will read for fun! We are off to a great start!
By the end of the day, the cart was nearly empty!

Monday, November 12, 2012

MCBA kickoff

We will kicking off the MCBA program this month in the library. Students in grades 4, 5 and 6 will be introduced to the nominees and learn more about the ways they can participate.
Kick Back and Read----an MCBA nominee!