Friday, March 11, 2016

And the winner is...

The One and Only Ivan by Katherine Applegate!

Our second place finisher was Chris Colfer's The Land of Stories: The Wishing Spell

And in third place, Escape from Mr. Lemoncello's Library by Chris Grabenstein

BOTB School Championship

It was one of the closest, most well-fought Battles I have witnessed. Thank you to each and every participant! Our winner, for a second consecutive year, was the fifth grade red team  of Aaron, Will, Tea, Ryan and Myalin.

Battle of the Books

Scenes from the Fifth Grade BOTB championship round. These were three very qualified teams!

Thursday, February 4, 2016

Bookmarks for everyone

We all know how important a good bookmark is for keeping your place when you are deep into a good story. It is so frustrating when you need to put your book down and don't have a bookmark handy! Thanks to an enterprising group of fifth graders, you should never have this problem again.

Ella, Inc., a newly formed enterprise enlists the talents of lower school artists to hand draw bookmarks, which are then distributed for free.
Founder Ella S. has organized ten fellow students, who create the bookmarks during read alouds, recess, and at home. They are: Ryan, Maya, Sally, Tea, Mya, Keira, Nate, Alex, Will and Josie.
The idea came to Ella when during a a recent classroom read aloud, her teacher's bookmark fell out of the book. "I thought I'd make her a new one," said Ella. "The idea took off from there."
To date, they have created over 100 bookmarks which they give away at no cost.
A recent supply of the brightly colored bookmarks recently arrived in the library and are available at the circulation desk. Many promote the MCBA program.
"We wanted to encourage kids to read," said Ella. "And it's fun."

What to read next

We still have over three weeks left in this year's MCBA program, so if you haven't qualified yet there is still plenty of time to finish your five books.

Wondering what you will read once MCBA ends? 25-reader Aaron in the fifth grade has compiled a terrific list of his top 25 books for children in grades 3-6. His list includes classics, past MCBA nominees, and new books. He has  included many of my favorite authors (Dan Gutman! Rebecca Stead!) Thanks for sharing this with us Aaron!
You can view Aaron's list here.  You may also view the resource list of which of his choices are available in the Bement library here.

T-Day Trivia 2/4

How old are Alex and Connor when they receive a very special book?

Margaret had the correct answer---they are 12. Good job!

T-Day Trivia 2/2

Happy groundhog's day!
Who wrote the poem, "Ring-around the Cow"?

It was Lucy, in Fly Away. Alex is on a roll, with another winner!

Thursday, January 28, 2016

T-Day Trivia 1/28

What is Mr. Shuler's position?

The gym teacher! Alex had the correct answer. Way to go!

T-Day Trivia 1/26

Who was the bane of the bunny's existence?

Will was the marmots!

Friday, January 22, 2016

T-Day Trivia 1/21

What kind of supplies does Julia provide for Ivan?

The answer: art supplies (paint and paper) --congratulations Zoey, today's lucky winer!

Tuesday, January 19, 2016

T-Day Trivia 1/19

         Whose beautiful shoes get thrown into a dumpster?

The answer is Russell. Great job, Tea!

Friday, January 15, 2016

T-Day Trivia 1/14

Who is the head librarian of Alexandriaville's new public library?

Dr. Zarina Zirchieko--congratulations Aaron!  (I need to double check my spelling, but the book is checked out!)

Tuesday, January 12, 2016

Thursday, January 7, 2016

Battle of the Books

Are you ready to battle? Have you read at least five of the nominees? If so, stop by the library to sign up for the Battle of the Books. The competition will take place in late February, when teams compete for grade level and school championships.
Start writing your questions now!

T-Day Trivia 1/7

Where does Mai's mother Pattie work?

Will had the correct answer--she worked at a nail salon.

Tuesday, January 5, 2016

T-Day Trivia 1/5

Happy New Year!

I hope you found time over the break to relax and read! We have eight weeks left in this year's program, lots of time to read more books!

Today's question:
Who was Josh's inspiration for the team-building exercises he brings to his team?

The 1999 U.S. Women's World Cup Championship team. Tea is today's winner!